Some details to tidy up Jan 23 2019

Summary of last week

For the linear regression model Y=Xβ+ϵ where E(ϵ)=0n×1, Var(ϵ)=σ2In, and the matrix Xn×p is fixed with rank p.

The least squares estimates are β^=(XTX)1XTY

Furthermore, the least squares estimates are BLUE, and E(β^)=β,Var(β^)=σ2(XTX)1

We have not used any Normality assumptions to show these properties.


Go over the estimation of σ

Strategy: Write ei2 as a linear combination of uncorrelated variables, ϵi.

Write correlated residuals as combination of uncorrelated errors



Your turn at home:

  1. Show (IH)ϵ=e. Hint: substitute ϵ=YXβ, expand and use properties of H.

  2. Show ||e||2=eTe=ϵT(IH)ϵ. Hint: substitute in e=(IH)ϵ from above and use properties of (IH).

Find expected value of ||e||2 in terms of trace(IH)

Show E(ϵT(IH)ϵ)=σ2trace(IH)

Hint xTAx=i=1nj=1nxixjAij where x=(x1,x2,,xn)T,A=(A11A12A21A22)n×n

Find expected value of ||e||2 in terms of trace(IH)


Find trace(IH)

Show trace(IH)=np

Hint: trace(A+B)=trace(A)+trace(B)trace(AB)=trace(BA)


Put it all together


Inference on the regression coefficients

Normality assumption

Assume ϵN(0,σ2I).

Important reminders:

Leads to: YN(,)


Inference on individual parameters

With the addition of the Normal assumption, it can be shown that


leads to the usual construction of tests and confidence intervals for single parameters.


See handout.