- Lasso and ridge regression
- Sensitivity of model selection to transformations
Lasso and ridge regression
Work through code from Faraway 11.3 and 11.4
Meat fat content example from model selection examples in class:
data(meatspec, package = "faraway")
# Faraway takes the first 172 obs as training
# you shouldn't generally do that without careful
# thought
ind <- 1:172
trainmeat <- meatspec[ind, ]
testmeat <- meatspec[-ind, ]
# center all columns of x for ridge and lasso
x <- scale(meatspec[, -101], center = T, scale = F)
y <- meatspec[, 101]
testx <- x[-ind, ]
testy <- y[-ind]
trainx <- x[ind, ]
trainy <- y[ind]
rmse <- function(x,y) sqrt(mean((x-y)^2))
fit_all <- lm(fat ~ ., data = trainmeat)
(rmse_all <- rmse(testmeat$fat, predict(fit_all, newdata = testmeat)))
## [1] 3.814
Recall that a model with all predictors, had an estimated root mean square prediction error of about 3.81.
fit_best <- lm(fat ~ V1+V17+V19+V20+V21+V24+V31+V35+V37+V39+V40+V41+V44+V47+V48+
data = trainmeat)
(rmse_best <- rmse(testmeat$fat, predict(fit_best, newdata = testmeat)))
## [1] 1.837097
We also found some smaller models on Monday with smaller error, e.g., 1.84.
Ridge regression
Estimating the coefficients for a sequence of tuning parameters:
rgmod <- lm.ridge(I(trainy - mean(trainy)) ~ trainx,
lambda = seq(0, 5e-8, 1e-9))
matplot(rgmod$lambda, coef(rgmod), type = "l",
xlab = expression(lambda),
ylab = expression(hat(beta)), col = 1)
Choosing one tuning parameter:
(min_gcv <- which.min(rgmod$GCV))
## 1.8e-08
## 19
matplot(rgmod$lambda, coef(rgmod), type = "l",
xlab = expression(lambda),
ylab = expression(hat(beta)), col = 1)
abline(v = rgmod$lambda[min_gcv])
Evaluating the predictive accuracy:
ypred <- scale(trainx,
center = F,
scale = rgmod$scales) %*% # scale covariates
rgmod$coef[, min_gcv] + # multiply by estimated coefficients
mean(trainy) # add back mean (since response was centered)
rmse(ypred, trainy)
## [1] 0.8159824
ypred <- scale(testx,
center = F,
scale = rgmod$scales) %*% # scale covariates
rgmod$coef[, min_gcv] + # multiply by estimated coefficients
mean(trainy) # add back mean (since response was centered)
rmse(ypred, testy)
## [1] 4.067914
One particularly bad prediction (looks OK to me, why does Faraway get something different?:
c(ypred[13], testmeat$fat[13])
## [1] 11.32387 34.80000
rmse(ypred[-13], testmeat$fat[-13])
## [1] 1.954433
cbind(ypred, testy)
## testy
## 173 48.047247 47.7
## 174 23.143626 25.5
## 175 8.944386 10.6
## 176 3.461404 2.0
## 177 6.141724 4.7
## 178 6.741146 6.8
## 179 10.116475 8.6
## 180 11.781558 11.2
## 181 13.553112 13.8
## 182 14.937346 17.7
## 183 28.464430 23.3
## 184 24.774611 29.0
## 185 11.323870 34.8
## 186 46.180519 47.8
## 187 9.960860 11.1
## 188 4.791950 2.9
## 189 9.148401 4.8
## 190 5.900053 5.6
## 191 6.465477 6.2
## 192 6.794227 6.4
## 193 6.004676 6.8
## 194 6.815092 7.1
## 195 7.820161 7.3
## 196 8.016253 7.9
## 197 10.328492 9.2
## 198 9.358988 10.1
## 199 11.897665 10.7
## 200 7.628819 11.2
## 201 11.506780 12.5
## 202 14.621129 14.3
## 203 11.126646 16.0
## 204 16.681274 17.0
## 205 16.686706 18.1
## 206 20.448977 19.4
## 207 23.345195 24.8
## 208 26.978289 27.2
## 209 29.363296 28.4
## 210 29.227825 29.2
## 211 29.045001 31.3
## 212 31.692496 33.8
## 213 37.691766 35.5
## 214 41.439211 42.5
## 215 46.180519 47.8
which.max(abs(ypred - testy))
## [1] 13
rmse(ypred[-13], testy[-13])
## [1] 1.954433
Example with a smaller set of predictors (the state life expectancy data from last week)
Estimating the coefficients for a sequence of tuning parameters:
statedata <- data.frame(state.x77, row.names = state.abb)
lmod <- lars(as.matrix(statedata[, -4]), statedata$Life)
Choosing one tuning parameter:
cvlmod <- cv.lars(as.matrix(statedata[, -4]), statedata$Life)
(s <- cvlmod$index[which.min(cvlmod$cv)])
## [1] 0.6565657
Compare the coefficients in the lasso model:
predict(lmod, s = s, type = "coef", mode = "fraction")$coef
## Population Income Illiteracy Murder HS.Grad
## 2.345262e-05 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 -2.398786e-01 3.528871e-02
## Frost Area
## -1.694932e-03 0.000000e+00
to those from the least squares fit:
coef(lm(Life.Exp ~ Population + Murder + HS.Grad + Frost, statedata))
## (Intercept) Population Murder HS.Grad Frost
## 7.102713e+01 5.013998e-05 -3.001488e-01 4.658225e-02 -5.943290e-03
Back to the meat fat example
Estimating the coefficients for a sequence of tuning parameters:
lassomod <- lars(trainx, trainy)
Choosing one tuning parameter:
cvout <- cv.lars(trainx, trainy)
(best_s <- cvout$index[which.min(cvout$cv)])
## [1] 0.01010101
Evaluating the predictive accuracy:
predlars <- predict(lassomod, testx, s = best_s, mode = "fraction")
rmse(testy, predlars$fit)
## [1] 2.132218
Examing which coefficients are non-zero:
predlars <- predict(lassomod, s = best_s, type = "coef", mode = "fraction")
plot(predlars$coef, type = "h", ylab = "Coefficient")
sum(predlars$coef != 0)
## [1] 20
Sensitivity of model selection
Work through code in Faraway 10.3
In class we used regsubsets()
to select variables to predict life expectancy from other state level data. In particular, imagine we use an exhaustive search and choose a model with the highest adjusted R-squared:
b <- regsubsets(Life.Exp ~ ., data = statedata)
rs <- summary(b)
## (Intercept) Population Income Illiteracy Murder HS.Grad
## Frost Area
It’s possible this choice is sensitive both to indivudal points and transformations.
Alaska is unusual:
lmod <- lm(Life.Exp ~ ., data = statedata)
broom::augment(lmod) %>%
## # A tibble: 50 x 16
## .rownames Life.Exp Population Income Illiteracy Murder HS.Grad Frost
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 AK 69.3 365 6315 1.5 11.3 66.7 152
## 2 CA 71.7 21198 5114 1.1 10.3 62.6 20
## 3 HI 73.6 868 4963 1.9 6.2 61.9 0
## 4 NV 69.0 590 5149 0.5 11.5 65.2 188
## 5 NM 70.3 1144 3601 2.2 9.7 55.2 120
## 6 TX 70.9 12237 4188 2.2 12.2 47.4 35
## 7 NY 70.6 18076 4903 1.4 10.9 52.7 82
## 8 WA 71.7 3559 4864 0.6 4.3 63.5 32
## 9 OR 72.1 2284 4660 0.6 4.2 60 44
## 10 ND 72.8 637 5087 0.8 1.4 50.3 186
## # … with 40 more rows, and 8 more variables: Area <dbl>, .fitted <dbl>,
## # .se.fit <dbl>, .resid <dbl>, .hat <dbl>, .sigma <dbl>, .cooksd <dbl>,
## # .std.resid <dbl>
Without it, the model selected changes:
b <- regsubsets(Life.Exp ~ ., data = statedata, subset = (state.abb != "AK"))
rs <- summary(b)
## (Intercept) Population Income Illiteracy Murder HS.Grad
## Frost Area
Notice Area and Population might benefit from a transform:
stripchart(data.frame(scale(statedata)), method = "jitter", las = 2, vertical = TRUE)
If we transform them, the selected model changes:
b <- regsubsets(Life.Exp ~ log(Population) + Income + Illiteracy + Murder + HS.Grad + Frost + log(Area), statedata)
rs <- summary(b)
rs$which[which.max(rs$adjr), ]
## (Intercept) log(Population) Income Illiteracy
## Murder HS.Grad Frost log(Area)